National Women's Conferences

Virginia has been a featured speaker at Women's Conferences nationwide hosted by some of the nation's most prominent leaders including:
Sen. John McCain (AZ)
Sen. John Kerry (MA)
Sen. John Warner (VA)
Sen. Ted Stevens (AL)
Sen. John Chafee (RI)
Sen. Conrad Burns (MT)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (IA)
Sen. Harry Reid (NV)
Sen. Slade Gorden (WA)
Sen. Paul Coverdale (GA)
Sen. Jim Exxon (NE)
Sen. Don Nickles (OK)
Sen. Kit Bond (MO)
Sen. Bob Packwood (OR)
Rep. Larry J. Hopkins (KY)
Rep. Kay Granger (TX)
Rep. Scott McInnis (CO)
Gov. Kirk Fordice (MS)
Facilitating personal growth in the areas of self, family, relationships, and society.
Fresh Start Women's Foundation
Offering quality services to women seeking self-improvement.
Golden Sierra Workforce Investment Board
Working with dynamic communities with a richly diversified economy attractive both to employers and individuals.
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